Today the international labour movement campaigns for actions against climate change. With the annual campaign, the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) wants to highlight how climate change impacts on work and working life as a whole.
The Finnish Confederation of Professionals STTK reminds about the importance of speeding up actions against climate change and enhancing a wider public discussion about the topic with all parties in society.
-The economic crisis due to the corona pandemic does not postpone the threat of climate change. Finland needs to become carbon neutral within one generation. This needs to be done through economic and social sustainability which are also included in the just transition of the Paris agreement, president of STTK Antti Palola underlines.
Besides climate change Finland is facing other mounting challenges in the future, such as the ageing population and a low birth-rate.
-We need to have a wide public discussion about how to solve these common challenges in a just way. Otherwise we create needless ground for populism, which mainly gives over-simplified answers to complex issues, Palola reminds.
Today the Finnish minister of environment Krista Mikkonen (Greens) and Antti Palola had a discussion about how to reach carbon neutral Finland by the year 2035 and how to ensure just transition. The discussion can be seen at sttk.fi/hiilineutraali
Additional information: Antti Palola, tel: +358 40 509 6030.
Information about the ITUC Global Day of Action to Climate and Employment Proof our Work: https://www.ituc-csi.org/cepow