#STOP Employee demonstration

Helsinki Railway Station Square, Friday 18 September 11 a.m.

Members of SAK, Akava and STTK unions will demonstrate on Helsinki Railway Station Square on Friday 18 September from 11 a.m.

The demonstration is in defence of the labour market organisations’ right to determine collective agreements and in opposition to the government’s unilateral decisions to weaken employees’ terms of employment. On Tuesday the government announced changes including forced restrictions to annual holiday entitlement, an unpaid sick leave waiting day, turning weekday holidays into days without pay and cuts to overtime and Sunday work compensation.

The chairmen of the trade union confederations stress that employees cannot accept the government’s coercive measures. The government is not respecting employees’ and employers’ right to determine labour costs and other terms of employment. It is also threatening to breach the internationally recognised principle that the law primarily protects the weaker party.
-We are coming out in defence of those in a weaker position, say Lauri Lyly (SAK), Sture Fjäder (Akava) and Antti Palola (STTK).

As well as trade union members, anybody who is concerned about the way and means by which the government is making cuts is welcome to join the demonstration. Members of all the parliamentary groups will also be invited.

In addition to the demonstration, you can make a stand by signing an online petition. The trade union confederations have opened the petition at terveisithallitukselle.fi in defence of the right to set terms and to oppose the unilateral weakening of working conditions.
The social media hash tag the employee demonstration is #STOP.



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