Since last autumn, the “Me too” campaign has gained worldwide publicity and brought out the commonness of sexual harassment in various areas of the Finnish society, too. Moreover, several polls have confirmed that sexual harassment is also a problem in the Finnish working life.
The Finnish Confederation of Professionals STTK is therefore calling for clearer rules to prevent sexual harassment at workplaces. The topic will also be discussed today at the traditional Women’s Day morning event of the organisation.
Only 37 per cent responded that their workplace had created rules to prevent sexual harassment
According to the STTK survey, 23 per cent of the respondents do not consider that their workplace has zero tolerance to sexual harassment. 29 per cent cannot say if their workplace has zero tolerance. Furthermore, 42 per cent of the respondents announced that their workplace did not have common rules to prevent sexual harassment. Only 37 per cent responded that their workplace had created rules to prevent sexual harassment.
– The figures are alarmingly poor. STTK calls on every workplace to formulate rules to prevent sexual harassment. As soon as harassment occurs, we must step in, and if possible prevent it from happening in the first place, so President of STTK Antti Palola.
According to the STTK survey, only 22 per cent of those who have experienced sexual harassment had told their supervisor about it. 66 per cent had told a colleague about the sexual harassment they had experienced, but 20 per cent had not told anyone.
– The results reflect fear and uncertainty about how to act when falling victim to sexual harassment. This should not be accepted – we need common rules to solve the issue, Palola continues.
Preventing sexual harassment must not be a passing phenomenon, but must be incorporated into the permanent structure of the workplace.
– Campaigns come and go. STTK wants to make sure that there will be permanent efforts to prevent sexual harassment at workplaces, Palola says.
For more information: STTK President Antti Palola, tel. 040 509 6030