Author: paka


STTK hopes that new MEPs cooperate with employees

Antti Palola | 13.6.2024

New MEPs have been elected and the Board of STTK congratulates all new Finnish MEPs.“Our new members are... Read more


Giving Europe the means for a sustainable and desirable future

Antti Palola | 6.6.2024

On June 9, across the European Union, citizens of the twenty-seven member states are called to the polls... Read more


A lot is at stake in the EU elections – we must adhere to the climate goals

| 27.5.2024

The leaders of the Confederation of Finnish Industries (EK), the Confederation of Unions for Professional and Managerial Staff... Read more


The EU wants to improve the position of trainees at the workplace

Riina Nousiainen | 21.5.2024

Unpaid internships are still quite common in many industries. There is also room for improvement in guidance on... Read more


STTK joins ILO Global Coalition for Social Justice

| 5.3.2024

The Finnish Confederation of Professionals (STTK) joins ILO Global Coalition for Social Justice. The ILO Global Coalition for... Read more


Palola, STTK: Finland must commit itself to improving workers’ well-being and economic stability in the EU

Antti Palola | 14.2.2024

STTK President Antti Palola thinks that Finland must continue to commit itself to building Europe through cooperation. Populist... Read more


SAK and STTK labour confederations: Thousands in Finland say STOP! to cuts in working conditions and welfar

| 2.2.2024

The Finnish SAK and STTK labour confederations arranged a mass demonstration protesting against planned Government cuts in employee... Read more


STTK and its member unions will organise a demonstration for reasonable policies on 18 November

| 16.10.2023

The labour market reforms proposed by the Government are unreasonable towards employees. If implemented, the Government Programme will... Read more


Job Vacancy : General Director for European Trade Union Institute (ETUI)

| 25.9.2023

The European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) is seeking to recruit a full time New General Director of the... Read more