Author: paka


Open letter to EU leaders

| 17.10.2022

Dear EU leaders The soaring cost of food and energy is plunging families across Europe into a cost-of-living... Read more


Nurses’ unions accept the new pay deal

| 10.10.2022

On 3 October, the nurses’ unions Tehy and Super and the employers’ organisations have accepted the National Conciliator’s... Read more


Summer Job Helpline once again answered young people’s questions

| 28.9.2022

Since 2005, the Summer Job Helpline has been helping young people doing their summer job. The service is... Read more


The new controversial Patient Security Act limits the right to strike

| 19.9.2022

The deadlock in nurses’ collective bargaining led to a new law restricting the right to strike and has... Read more


Nurses’ Autumn of discontent

| 12.9.2022

In June, the two nurses’ unions Tehy and Super pulled out of the major municipal sector collective agreement.... Read more


Survey: UPM do not treat salaried employees even-handedly

| 2.9.2022

Forestry giant UPM adamantly refuses to engage in collective bargaining with their salaried employees. Since the beginning of... Read more


Labour market parties shoot down the Minister’s proposal of income tax cuts to partly replace pay rise

| 15.8.2022

The summer holiday season is coming to a close in Finland. People return to work and schools have... Read more


STTK Board of Directors: Workplaces still have work to do in stopping racism

Antti Palola | 29.6.2022

As a result of the population’s age structure and the low birth rate, Finland must increase international recruitment... Read more


Finally, a pay deal for the municipal sector – excluding nurses’ unions

| 13.6.2022

The long quest for a collective agreement in the municipal sector finally resulted in a pay deal. But... Read more