Author: paka


Local government strike closes schools, daycare centres, museums, public libraries

| 4.5.2022

More than 80,000 local government employees strike in ten major Finnish cities 3 – 9 May. In Helsinki,... Read more


Strikes continue apace in municipal sector

| 11.4.2022

Short strikes are on the increase in the public municipal services sector. Negotiations to reach collective agreements for... Read more


Lasting imprint of war

Antti Palola | 4.4.2022

I’m a child of spring, and the increase in daylight has always given me strength. I thought at... Read more


25,000 nurses to go on strike from beginning of April

| 29.3.2022

A major strike of 25,000 nurses is beginning on 1 April, unless a last-minute agreement can be reached.... Read more


Industrial Union to support paper workers’ strike at UPM to the tune of 2.2 million euro

| 28.3.2022

Collective bargaining at UPM paper mills have not yet yielded any results. The forestry giant UPM still stubbornly... Read more


UPM frames paper mill strike as a force majeure

| 11.3.2022

The shortage of printing paper becomes more critical due to the strike at the UPM Finnish paper mills.... Read more


Tehy and Super issue a five-year rescue programme for social and health care

| 25.2.2022

Negotiations with regard to local government social and health care collective agreements have not yet yielded any results.... Read more


Council of Nordic Trade Unions statement on Ukraine

| 25.2.2022

The Nordic Council of Trade Unions – NFS, which represents 15 national Trade Union Confederations and through them... Read more


SAK, Akava and STTK strongly condemn the Russian attack on Ukraine and support sanctions imposed by the EU

| 24.2.2022

SAK, Akava and STTK strongly condemn Russia’s attack on Ukraine in violation of international law. Besides loss of... Read more