We exert influence wherever decisions concerning our members’ wellbeing and quality of life are made.
We safeguard our members’ interests in contractual activities, by having an impact on decision-making in society and by participating in the development of legislation. We are a progressive and politically diverse organisation that actively cooperates with various players in society. We do not provide financial support for the activities of political parties, and the transparency in our lobbying is an important value for us.
The openness of decision-making in Finland is at an exceptionally high level internationally. This enables extensive and broad-based discussion in our society. In cooperation with other operators, STTK seeks to discuss all major issues that concern its members, such as population ageing, international recruitment and climate change. In addition to discussion, we provide information, tools and solution models that support decision-making.
Agreements are preceded by negotiations in which each party pursues its own interests. The result of the negotiations is always a compromise between these interests. However, cooperation leads to more effective and long-lasting results than any of the parties could achieve on their own.

Finland is a contract-based society in which key decisions concerning the development of society are based on the commitment of the largest possible group of people. In the tripartite agreement model, representatives of trade unions, employers’ organisations and the government make a commitment to promote jointly agreed goals.
Close to every employee
In the workplace, elected employee representatives such as shop stewards and occupational health and safety representatives engage in the broad-based development of workplace communities with the management. They are representatives elected by the employees and have a direct link to their trade unions. Employee representatives can also be called the databanks of working life, because they are closely familiar with the terms of employment in their respective fields.
Strong regional focus
STTK’s regional and local activities bring together trade union operators from various sectors. They contribute to the development of a multifaceted and sustainable business and industry structure throughout Finland to ensure that Finns continue to have jobs. Their sphere of influence also includes matters related to members’ daily lives, such as housing, welfare services, education, the prevention of exclusion, and transport policy.
International influence
Decisions concerning Finns and Finland are increasingly made outside Finland. For example, labour legislation is largely prepared by the EU. Binding agreements and guiding principles are also increasingly produced at the EU level. STTK’s international cooperation focuses on safeguarding interests in Europe and Finland’s neighbouring regions but also extends to the global level. Cooperation ensures greater impact for our key interests.