The operations of the trade union movement are based on the principles of representative democracy. Each operator participating in the central organisation’s decision-making is authorised by the members of their respective union.
The assembly and the board of directors
The highest decision-making power in STTK is exercised by its 60-member assembly, which determines the key guidelines for STTK’s operations and approves its budget. The assembly is elected for four years at a time and convenes twice a year. The inaugural meeting of the assembly elects STTK’s chairperson and board of directors and the presiding officers of the assembly.
The board of directors is accountable for STTK’s operations to the assembly. It prepares the matters to be discussed by the assembly and implements the decisions made by the assembly. Each member union has at least one representative on the board of directors. The working committee of the board of directors participates in the preparation of matters.
The board of directors approves the results of STTK’s negotiations. It also makes decisions concerning STTK’s office.
The board of directors convenes monthly.
Members of the board of directors and the assembly
STTK’s office engages in advocacy, negotiations, public lobbying and organisational work in cooperation with the member unions and regional operators. The office staff consist of experts in various fields who are responsible for implementing the guidelines issued by the board of directors. Lauri Kujala, the chair of STTK Students, also works at the office. The office is headed by Antti Palola, the chair of STTK.
The experts and lawyers at the office cooperate closely with representatives of the member unions in the preparation of matters. STTK provides its member unions with training and opportunities for networking and peer support. The experts and lawyers participate in member unions’ events and provide training to employees’ representatives.
Our members
Our members include experts and professionals with various educational backgrounds. They work in industry, healthcare and services, for example.
Information about our members
- Around 74% of our members are women.
- The average age of a member is around 49 years.
- A member works 38.3 hours per week on average.
- Their average salary is EUR 3,500 per month.
- Of our members, 55% work in the public sector, and 45% work in the private sector.
- Of our members, 88% have permanent employment relationships, and 12% have fixed-term employment relationships.
Level of education
- Degree from a university of applied sciences: 30%
- Degree from a university: 5%
- Upper secondary vocational qualification: 27%
- College degree: 31%
- Other: 7%