

Grave neglect revealed in privatised elderly care – unions demand immediate measures

| 31.1.2019

Gross neglect is thought to be the reason for one death in privatised elderly care and this has... Read more


Labour costs for an employer in Finland 34.2 Euro per hour in 2016

| 8.12.2018

Labour costs in Finland were, on average, 34.2 Euro per hour in 2016, according to Statistics Finland in... Read more


Global change – Just transitions

| 7.12.2018

Speech by Antti Palola ITUC Congress, Copenhagen 2018 Dear congress, dear brothers and sisters. It’s an honour to... Read more


Peace, Democracy and rights

| 3.12.2018

  Speech by Antti Palola ITUC Congress, Copenhagen 2018   Dear congress, dear brothers and sisters. We have... Read more


Antti Palola´s speach in European Commission for Finnish Opinion leaders

| 27.11.2018

Thank you for the invitation to this study visit and the possibility to discuss the European Strategic Agenda... Read more


Unions focus on new employment and career coaching services

| 11.8.2017

Trade Union Pro is building a new comprehensive employment service for all of its members. Union members will... Read more


UNI Global Union: Fatal explosion at Multifabs Limited factory shows need to expand Bangladesh Accord

| 5.7.2017

UNI Global Union extends its deepest sympathies to all those affected by the tragic boiler explosion at Multifabs... Read more


Katja Lehto-Komulainen is the Nordic candidate for ETUC’s leadership team

Taina Vallander | 4.11.2016

The Nordic trade union confederations have reached an agreement through NFS (the Council of Nordic Trade Unions) to... Read more


The Federation of Salaried Employees, Pardia: Results of cuts in expenditure on government agencies can now be seen in Finnish Customs

| 27.10.2016

Niko Simola, the Chairman of the Federation of Salaried Employees, Pardia, believes that the impacts of continuous, formulaic... Read more