

Akava leaves Finunions cooperation

| 26.9.2016

The three Finnish trade union confederations have a joint office in Brussels, Finunions. Now one of the three,... Read more


Katarina Murtos speech at ILO Conference

| 10.9.2016

I am very honored that I was given the opportunity to hold the closing speech here in the... Read more


Competitiveness Pact signed covering 86.5 per cent of employees

| 15.6.2016

The Competitiveness Pact was finally signed on the evening of 14 June. Most of the Finnish unions endorsed... Read more

Member unions

Number of workers included in collective bargaining agreements on the increase in Finland

| 1.4.2016

The collective bargaining system in Finland The collective bargaining system in Finland now comprises around 90 per cent... Read more


Board of STTK supports the negotiated accord to increase Finland’s competitiveness

Antti Palola | 29.2.2016

The Finnish Confederation of Professionals  STTK, considers the settlement to improve the country’s competitiveness satisfactory, after long and... Read more


Rules on local bargaining under intense negotiation

| 25.2.2016

The outline for a local bargaining model is right now under intense negotiation between labour market organisations. The... Read more


Leila Kurki: Work organisation and workplace learning: creating a win-win environment

| 18.12.2015


Employers pull out of negotiations for national labour market pact

Antti Palola | 3.12.2015

The negotiations to draft a comprehensive labour market pact ended in the early hours of the morning of... Read more


Finnish Confederation of Professionals STTK underlines the importance of successful integration and condemns racism

Antti Palola | 6.11.2015

Together with its member unions and the reception centre of Kirkkonummi, STTK organizes training on Finnish working life... Read more