

Labour Institute Forecast: New clouds over Finnish economy

| 22.10.2015

New clouds hover over the Finnish economy, the Labour Institute for Economic Research’s most recent economic forecast says.... Read more


New members flock to join trade unions

Juska Kivioja | 15.10.2015

The trade unions are attracting significantly more new members since the Government announced its latest plans for austerity... Read more


30,000 rally in Helsinki to defend trade union rights and oppose planned austerity measures

Taina Vallander | 21.9.2015

The demonstration organised by the three trade union confederations brought 30,000 people to Helsinki in spite of heavy... Read more


Major demonstration due to the Government interfering with freedom of agreement

| 16.9.2015

All three trade union confederations are calling on people to attend a major demonstration against the austerity measures... Read more


#STOP Employee demonstration

Marja-Liisa Rajakangas | 13.9.2015

Helsinki Railway Station Square, Friday 18 September 11 a.m. Members of SAK, Akava and STTK unions will demonstrate... Read more


Finland still on top when it comes to trade union density

| 2.9.2015

Trade union membership in Finland remains high. And it is highest among those employed in industry, where 80.8... Read more


New round of talks for a national labour accord begin

| 6.8.2015

Talks surrounding the so called social contract promoted by the Sipilä Government begin to take shape. The Government... Read more


The Board of Pardia approved the state’s negotiation result

| 10.7.2015

On 30 June, the Board of Pardia approved the negotiation result on implementing the salary solution for the... Read more


National Wage Agreement offers 16 euro a month rise

| 16.6.2015

The Trade Union Confederations accept a negotiated continuation of the national pact for employment and growth. This was... Read more