

Gig economy: Employment Committee MEPs want to boost workers’ rights

| 22.10.2018

• Transparent work contract from day one • Specific set of rights for workers in non-traditional jobs •... Read more


Survey by STTK: Sexual harassment not reported, clear rules required to prevent harassment at workplaces

| 8.3.2018

Since last autumn, the “Me too” campaign has gained worldwide publicity and brought out the commonness of sexual... Read more


Finns ready to disclose amount they earn to advance gender equality

| 28.10.2016

Helsinki (27.10.2016 – Heikki Jokinen) A majority of Finns would be ready to disclose wages and salaries in... Read more


SAK, Akava and STTK: Free summer job advisory service helps young employees

| 2.5.2016

The national labour confederations of Finland (SAK, Akava and STTK) are reopening their summer job information service on... Read more


A broad labour market pact is born – and the burden will be heavy for employees

Antti Palola | 1.3.2016

The labour market organisations finally agreed on a broad labour market pact. It makes working hours a bit... Read more


Board of STTK supports the negotiated accord to increase Finland’s competitiveness

Antti Palola | 29.2.2016

The Finnish Confederation of Professionals  STTK, considers the settlement to improve the country’s competitiveness satisfactory, after long and... Read more


Women’s Payday is commemorated today: STTK pushes for a swift removal of the pay difference

| 30.10.2015

STTK started to commemorate Women’s Payday in 2011 with the objective to make the pay gap between women... Read more


Employee organisations are asking again: “How do you feel about it?”

Juska Kivioja | 15.10.2015

Employee organisations’ Mikä fiilis? (“How do you feel about it?”) campaign, promoting unionisation, will be running on television,... Read more


The labour market organisations condemn racism

Antti Palola | 14.9.2015

The Finnish employee and employer confederations condemn racism in all forms. They point out that Finland is committed... Read more