Who we are

The Finnish Confederation of Professionals (STTK) is a politically independent and diverse organisation of trained professionals. STTK consists of 12 member unions and has around 400,000 members. We represent professionals and experts in Finnish workplaces. In our work, we are responsible, fair and courageous.

We believe that working life develops through cooperation. We create prospects for the future, strengthen dialogue and encourage action for a fair working life.

Our vision is of a successful employee who enjoys their work.

Our work is guided by equality and fairness in working life. At its best, working life is diverse and multifaceted. It is developed through active dialogue and by listening to different voices and creating opportunities for success. We speak to people and hear their needs.

STTK operates responsibly and transparently, based on knowledge. We care about fairness between generations, terms of employment and organisation. We respond to change and create tools for change management.

We make the trade union movement’s work and purpose visible and strengthen interaction and a cooperative spirit between the operators under STTK. We monitor our carbon footprint and seek to reduce it through our solutions.


  • promotes equality and non-discrimination in working life
  • evokes and encourages discussion in society
  • strengthens a contract-based society
  • enables employees’ competence and wellbeing
  • develops labour law, social security and the pension system
  • promotes the work of trade unions